Friday, January 28, 2011


Today was the first day that Tara decided to go to 'work'. She picked up a shoulder bag, came over to me and said 'Tara, work', I asked her if she wanted to go to work and she said ja. I asked her if she had a long walk to work and she said, 'Nein, bathroom' 'Hans and Tara bathroom work', so she does not want to work alone.
The other first was her nursing her baby, she has done this for a while, but today she figured out that her baby needed to be inside her shirt!
On the language note, now backpack means three things, backpack, back pats, and I'll be right back, which she says only when she is going to leave the room and come back with something strange, like a pot or a pillow, she brings it to me and then laughs.

I ask her about the baby every few days, usually she shows me where it is and tells me it is nursing (I told her you nurse through your bellybutton until you come out), so I ask her if it is a boy or girl, and her usual response is 'Nein mommy, baby', yesterday its name was Jonas (our 11 month old neighbor), and she says she likes other names, but does not actually say any names herself, she just says 'yes' to everything, do you like the name x? Can you say x?...oh and today B was for baby, she usually goes for T is for Tara.
She is growing quickly, we outgrew all of the winter clothes that I brought for her, we're in 86-92cm, whatever that means in the US. I wonder if they don't even have these sizes, all I remember seeing is 2T and 3T, so are you really only supposed to grow once a year?
Here's to a great year

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